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Hi! My name is Jacki and I am a Freelance Concepter, Designer & Artdirector. I am in love with bold designs, fun concepts and nice people. In the last years I worked for many different types of clients, agencies and projects. Welcome to my portfolio.

Love Secco Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland

LOVE Secco – Branding, Packaging & Communication

Branding Corporate Design aus Hamburg Deutschland für den ChiChiClub Cosmetic Brand Design

Chi Chi Club – Branding

Corporate Design und Brand Design für die kartenmacherei Brand für deine Marke aus Hamburg Deutschland
Food Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland

People who kaer – Branding, Packaging, Communication

die kartenmacherei – Brand 

Packaging Design Rewe Bio Verpackungsdesign aus Hamburg Deutschland

REWE Bio – Packaging

Artdirection und Design Freelance in Hamburg

Arte – Campaign (Password needed)

Seedheart Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland

Seedheart – Packaging, Branding

Kampagne die kartenmacherei Freelance Design und Artdirection aus Hamburg Deutschland

die kartenmacherei – Communication

Aromas Coffee Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland

AROMAS Coffee – Branding, Packaging


Design Lead

die kartenmacherei


Senior Designer

Dragon Rouge


Senior Designer

Job Teaser


Senior Art Director

Faktor 3


Art Director/Designer

Faktor 3


Junior Art Director

LLR (Now Scholz & Friends LukasLindemann)


Publications & News

People Who Kaer Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland



Packaging and Branding Project for people who kaer is soon online.

Have a look

Love Secco Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland



Packaging of the World published our LOVE Secco project!

Have a look

Aromas Coffee Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland


The Dieline is one of the most visited and well curated packaging design websites in the world. They selected the Aromas Cold Brew to their Fav 25 Cold Brew Designs.

Have a look

Schokolade Verpackungsdesign Branding und Kampagne aus Hamburg Deutschland



Packaging of the World published the packaging and branding project Avec Plaisir.

Have a look

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